Principles of Professionalism
Pennsylvania Department of Education approved Act 45 program for 40 PIL Hours
The Principles of Professionalism program is based upon the research and best practices associated with helping leaders impact teacher and student success. The program is designed to assist leaders and leadership teams in the clarification, analysis, evaluation, and continuous improvement of the moral foundation on which the organization's people are acting. For this program's purposes, the organization's moral foundation consists of its Core Values and its Principles of Professionalism. The program's outcome is to create an organizational document that communicates the organization's Core Values, Principles of Professionalism, and Code of Conduct. The final document will provide the foundation for all decisions and behavior that supports improved student achievement for all students.
Participants will be asked to complete all the assignments, discussions, and activities presented in the program. The ultimate goal is for the participant to become a self-directed learner. Self-directed learners extend their learning beyond the program requirements. As a learner, the participants dig deep in related topics, and they determine what and how they will continue their professional development.
The participant requirements for the program include:
Engaging in the blended-learning (in-class & virtual) environment
Embedding activities into daily practice
Presenting a culminating project at an "Evidence Fair" during the final in-class session
The Principles of Professionalism program is designed to meet the 40-credit hour approved PIL program (10 in-class hours, 16 online hours, 16 embedded hours). Online learning occurs both synchronously and asynchronously. The hybrid (blended) option allows for both in-person and online interaction. The sixteen hours of job-embedded activity provides the participant with an opportunity to put theory into practice. Highly Qualified Instructors will guide the online work and coach participants throughout the course.
Program Design
PLDC offers Pennsylvania Department of Education PIL-Approved Programs that count toward continuing education credits. Our programs are designed using the most current and proven methods for effective adult learning that keep participants engaged and promote knowledge retention. In addition to our core programs, we can work with you to create a completely customized program to meet your organization’s unique objectives.