
Patrick E. Crawford Ed. D.
Dr. Patrick Crawford is the Executive Director of the PLDC and the Mid-Atlantic Consortium for Mass Customized Learning. After 35 years in education as teacher, counselor, administrator and superintendent, he became the first Director of Professional Development for the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators. Pat has spent the past 10 years studying the learning strategies for adults (andragogy) and believes that the best adult learning is determined and directed by the learner (heutagogy).

Tim McNamee Ed. D.
He believes that it is vital to the success of all school improvement initiatives that educational leaders are encouraged, developed and mentored to accept the challenges which face 21st Century schools.

P. Duff Rearick Ed. D.
P. “Duff” Rearick is both a Facilitator and Board Chair for the PLDC. He has spent more than 45 years serving the educational industry in every capacity including Superintendent, joint Partner in Founding and CEO of Blendedschools.net and Principal Partner of RLI LLC Consulting. Although fluid, Duff’s current concentration is on innovation in education. Beyond leadership, his interests flow to writing, results-based planning, the psychology of influence and professional learning. Educated at The College of William and Mary and The University of Pennsylvania, Duff’s perspective is often unique within the business of education.

James (Jay) Scott Ed. D.
James “Jay” Scott has dedicated his career to education, gaining experience as a Superintendent, Service Agency Executive Director, and Department of Education contractor. He brings a unique viewpoint and set of skills to the PLDC that helps clients develop innovative leadership solutions tailored to their organization. Jay’s passion and specialty is helping schools transition from industrialized systems to places of deep learning.

Franny Serenka Ed. D.
Duquesne University. She is also an Associate Professor in the School of Education with a focus on Foundations and Leadership. Franny is highly educated and experienced, making her a valuable facilitator to the PLDC. She brings a fresh perspective on professional development and leadership for educators that keeps PLDC on the cutting-edge.

Jessica Enderson​
Jessica Enderson is a life-long learner that has consulted with districts throughout the United States on moving from traditional practice to transformative empowerment. By empowering facilitators to be innovative and providing the necessary learning opportunities, she believes learning communities can provide the Ideal Learning Experience.